Ironing Board Toppers

There is (at least) one thing I couldn’t live without while quilting…my ironing board topper.  My friend Al, can make you one of these,20″ X 60″ or  24″ X 60″ to go over the top of your standard ironing board.  It’s completely removable (held on with velcro) and it makes pressing those big quilts SO much easier!

The cost is $100 if you buy the supplies:  2 yds 100% cotton material for top (I used Home Decor Fabric); 2 yds reflective ironing board material, and twin size 100% cotton batting.

If you let Al buy the supplies, the cost is $140.

Let me know if you are interested in ordering one.  You are always welcome to take a look at mine (I have the 24X60 version), if you would like to see it up close and personal!

Also extremely handy is this little version….set it next to or on your sewing table with a travel iron while pressing small pieces!  These are $20.  I may have a couple for purchase when you pick up/drop off your quilt.